Bayer Private School, located in Glendale, AZ, offers advanced education to gifted children from ages three through eighth grade. Our school is small enough to invest in every child and our teachers are passionate about connecting with each student individually to positively impact their personal and academic growth. Students gain the skills and the tools they will need to be successful and well-rounded individuals. They also develop a strong work ethic, a sense of integrity, and compassion for others.
Advanced Education
Curriculum designed for gifted learners
Students taught at least one grade level ahead
Typical class size less than 16 students
Qualified accomplished teachers
Experience the joy of learning
Foreign language instruction
Science labs & writing workshops
Dual math instruction: Saxon and Singapore
High Expectations, High Test Scores
Students at Bayer School perform well on local and national achievement exams. Students graduating from eighth grade are accepted into the high schools of their choice and are recommended for honors classes and AP programs. The academic and social expectations at Bayer lead students to success and place them well ahead of their peers.
The Bayer Experience
Children perform well when they know that they are loved and valued. Our families are part of a small community that invests in each child. Not only will each student get a good education, but they will also experience the love and joy of learning. Bayer students learn the character traits, ethics and wisdom that bring them future success.
Class Size Matters
Research shows that students in smaller classes tend to be as much as one to two months ahead in content knowledge, and they score higher on standardized assessments. These positive effects of small class sizes are strongest for elementary school students. Research also confirms that it not only increases student engagement but benefits also include continued academic and life success. Class size at Bayer School average 14 students.
Education Begins at Three
Early Kindergarten programs begin at age three, which gives Bayer students a considerable head start on their education. By the time students complete our Beginning Kindergarten program, they will be writing multiple sentences, reading, and understanding math concepts at a Kindergarten level or above.
Bayer Tuition is lower than you might expect. There are several scholarship programs that make it attainable for everyone. Your child deserves a private education that will put your child ahead of the rest. Second and third child discounts make it affordable for all your children. Before school and after school programs are also available.
What's Happening
By the Numbers
Scored above average on national achievement tests
8 : 1
Student to teacher ratio
Average class size
Number of character traits reinforced every day
Serving the North West Valley since 2014
6 - 8 grade students who have leadership positions in Student Government and National Junior Honor Society